SmartAnythingEverywhere Newsletter Q2/2018
The team of the SmartAnythingEverywhere initiative is delighted to present its second newsletter. Please feel free to subscribe to it by sending a short notice to!
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Thank you for your interest in the community of the SmartAnythingEverywhere Initiative and its quarterly newsletter. With this news service we will inform you about the latest news, open and upcoming calls as well as events related to the SmartAnythingEverywhere Initiative.
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Thank you and enjoy reading!
Your team of the SmartAnythingEverywhere Initiative
Smarter-SI in brief @ Cordis Database
How can SMEs get products out of the lab and into the market, when they only need small lot-size manufacturing? Smarter-SI, an Innovation Action aligned to the SAE Initiative found a solution by creating a collaborative small quantities test bed.
Read the full article at Cordis, the Community Research and Development Information Service of the European Commission here!
Access to technical and financial support for SME and mid-caps
Especially Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) are eager to upgrade their products and services to the digital age but often lack knowledge how to do so.
The Open Calls of the SmartAnythingEverywhere Initiative are a highly attractive funding possibility for European industry, especially SMEs. A document on the funding instrument “Cascade Funding” can be downloaded here (Section “other documents”).
Social Media
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As of July 2018 you will profit even more from the SmartAnythingEverywhere Initiative! By becoming a member and joining our community you will benefit free of charge from
- get in contact with suppliers and users of innovative digital technologies
- get help on the path to towards digital transformation and find a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) in your region to support you
- brokerage facilities to look for or launch new proposals or projects
- trigger investments in digital technologies
- networking with other members and exchanging information on the latest digital innovations
Joining our community today under
Currently, several projects aligned to the SAE initiative offer possibilities to engage within their open calls:
Open Call for Flexible Electronics Products (apply until July 20th 2018)
SmartEES is European acceleration program, supported by the European Commission and dedicated to help innovative companies access new markets and grow their business by using flexible electronics in new lines of products.
50 innovative solutions of Organic and Large Area Electronics (OLAE) will be offered in the fields of organic photovoltaics, flexible displays, OLED lighting Electronics & components or Integrated Smart Systems to design and launch new product ideas.
Further Information will be available here
Open Call for Flexible Electronics Products (apply until September 18th 2018)
Call for application experiments in the field of innovative cyber-physical system (CPS) and embedded systems, including technical and business coaching for smart applications. For further information click here.
Upcoming Call on Entrepreneurial TTX (as of August 2018)
Entrepreneurial TTX are experiments aimed at mobilizing, challenging, and training small teams of potential entrepreneurs in the CLEC space, thereby having a long-term perspective. They build on experiences with the well-proven Eurolab-4-HPC “Business Prototyping Projects”. The next call will be open in August 2018. For further information click here.
Closed Call on customised low-energy computing
The TETRAMAX first call for proposals is completed and six experiments were selected. In total, 31 eligible TTX proposals were submitted for this first call by February 28th, 2018. External experts have thoroughly evaluated all proposals to ensure they are in line with the TETRAMAX competences and fulfil the experiment requirements. TETRAMAX has allocated €235.794,- of financial support for these first TTX. View all selected TTX.
Closed Call for Flexible Electronics Products
Following the evaluation process of proposals submitted by the 1st cut-off date, the SmartEES consortium has selected 3 proposals to proceed with the contracting phase. The projects are focused on integrating flexible electronics into advanced new products. Altogether, 19 proposals were received for this cut-off date, 18 of which were evaluated by the SmartEEs Evaluation Panel. The funding amount for each of the selected projects will be decided during the contracting phase. For further information about the 1st cut-off evaluation results, please check the public evaluation report.
Closed Call for Application Experiments
33 proposals from all over Europe were received in FED4SAE ‘s first open call for Application Experiments which closed on February 6 2018. From these over € 288.000,- were awarded to five SMEs. Meet some of the winners under
Closed Call for Application Experiments based on Advanced Microelectronics & Smart System Integration targeting Health, Agrifood, and Manufacturing
The first DIATOMIC Open Call for consortium application experiments closed on Friday, June 15. The evaluation process is now in progress, and the results will be announced by the end of July. A total of 85 applications from 22 European countries were submitted with Spain (20), Greece (11), and Portugal (10) leading the number of applications. Proposals coming from Health and Agrifood industries were the most dominant followed by proposals targeting the manufacturing sector. The average funding requested is €167.860,- with €200.000,- being the maximum and € 86.660,- the minimum. Proposals that successfully pass the evaluation stage will have the opportunity to become part of DIATOMIC’s pan-European of digital innovation hubs that provides access to cutting-edge testbeds, business support as well as investment readiness. They will also have the chance to enter DIATOMIC’s acceleration program, lasting between 9 and 15 months. The total budget available for the first call is € 1.500.000.-
Meet us at the following events:
LETI Innovation Days, 4-5 July 2018, Grenoble (France)
Wondering which niche technology will be tomorrow’s key innovation enabler? Discover the big ideas that are shaping microelectronics, and connect with leading executives, scientists and entrepreneurs. Leti Innovation Days will include a series of keynotes and panel sessions from industry leaders and academics. Along the conference, a special exhibition will be open in the afternoons, and will gather microelectronics industrials and successful start-ups. This year, there will be 7 satellite workshops on various technical fields (Design for 3D, Lithography, Quantum, silicon photonics, Memory, 5 G, MEMS & sensors). Leti Innovation Days addresses industry leaders, tech experts, decision makers, analysts, journalists, innovation managers, high-tech enthusiasts…
Register here
October 16-18 2018: Joint Event “EPoSS Annual Forum 2018 & MNBS 2018”, Thessaloniki (Greece)
Speeches and poster exhibition. Of special interest might be the morning session of the 18 October 2018 dedicated to the new Framework Programme “Horizon Europe”. The complete program will be published on the EPoSS website in due time.
November 20-22 2018: EFECS: European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems, Lisboa (Portugal)
Speeches and poster exhibition. For further information and registration click here.
November 27-28 2018: Annual Event of the Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH), Warsaw (Poland)
Further information will be available in due time.
December 4-6 2018: ICT 2018: Imagine Digital – Connect Europe, Vienna (Austria)
Conference, exhibition, networking. This research and innovation event will focus on the European Union’s priorities in the digital transformation of society and industry. It will present an opportunity for the people involved in this transformation to share their experience and vision of Europe in the digital age. For further information and registration click here.
April 4-5 2018: Sido: The IoT Showroom, Lyon (France)
SAE cluster projects EuroCPS & FED4SAE participated at this exhibition and conference.
April 11-12 2018: Smart Systems Integration conference and exhibition, Dresden (Germany)
April 16-17 2018: microTec Südwest Clusterkonferenz 2018, Freiburg (Germany)
Domestic and foreign experts from industry, science and politics exchanged important future trends and new applications in microsystems technology.
April 19 2018: Designing for Digital Transformation, Munich (Germany)
T his event brought together digitisation experts, researchers and policy-makers from across Europe to share insights on challenges and opportunities in the digital transformation of industry, with a focus on industrial automation and automotive.
April 23-27 2018: Hannover Messe, Hannover (Germany)
t the booth of the European Commission on the Hannover Messe 2018, the SAE Initiative was presented to the public with several success stories of its aligned projects as well as information on open calls. In close collaboration with I4MS, an EU initiative to digitalise the manufacturing industry, several workshops about funding opportunities for SMEs and midcaps were given by representatives of the SAE and I4MS initiatives
May, 25 2018: DIH workshop, Brussels (Belgium)
Regularly organised events and workshops related to digitisation and to the networking of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) by the European Commission. The SAE initiative and the related CSA Smart4Europe were asked for every workshop in 2018 to contribute with presentations. Presentations at Meetings of the Working Group on Digital Innovation Hubs in the first half of 2018 were given by Meike Reimann, S2i: “Networking DIHs through the Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative” as well as Rainer Günzler, Hahn-Schickard: “DIHs in Germany and Baden-Württemberg region”. Find presentations and reports of those meetings here.
June, 13 2018: European Innovation Hub Day, Grenoble (France)
The European Innovation Hub Day (EIH-Day), organised by CEA Tech in Grenoble, was a full day event dedicated to EIH and the use of associated European research and innovation programmes.
The event brought together key-players from the European Commission, Regions, Regional Clusters, Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) and SMEs to exchange views on existing and future innovation hubs. Information on the program and various sessions can be found here
Please find further news regularly updated on our website
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Your team of the SmartAnythingEverywhere initiative
Julia Koch & Stephan Karmann (Hahn-Schickard, Germany)